Wednesday, August 7, 2013

PT & Work

So recently I started physical therapy AGAIN and I got a job. I am pumped for both and doing fairly well handling them the last two weeks. The first week was really hard with being really sore and being in a lot of pain, but this week I am feeling a little better and a little stronger. I am hoping that this trend will continue and I wont get any really bad joint flare ups that get in the way of my progress. I just want to feel better. I really need this strength too. I am getting way too weak and that is a problem. I also just want to get fit and feel good about myself. Physical therapy isn't a miracle worker but maybe it'll help. And working is giving me a good mental state. I like getting to work towards something. Yay for jobs. This is senior year starting and I am really trying my hardest to make it rock and to not fall apart. High hopes.

Here is to strength, whether in small or large quantities.. I am feeling it today.

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